Changes in the lipid profile and some anthropometric variables in patients with coronary heart disease who completed a cardiac rehabilitation program

Cambios en el perfil lipídico y algunas variables antropométricas en pacientes con enfermedad coronaria que culminaron un programa de rehabilitación cardiaca

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Juan Carlos Ávila
Jhonatan Betancourt Peña

Coronary heart disease is one of the main causes of death and morbidity in the Western world. It is known that in the face of successful interventions, patients must continue and maintain adherence to pharmacological treatment and acquire lifestyles that allow them to avoid declines and progression of the disease. disease; In turn, non-pharmacological interventions such as exercise turn out to be effective in patients by improving the ability
physical and modify some risk factors such as cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Objective: To establish the effects of aerobic exercise and strength training performed in a cardiac rehabilitation program, on the control of lipid profile levels and some anthropometric parameters. Methods: A study was carried out
quasi-experimental, in patients with coronary artery disease undergoing angioplasty and stent implantation who attended a cardiac rehabilitation program in the city of Cali, Colombia. Results: Of 22 patients, 19 were male. The average age was 61.2 ± 14.5 years. Significant differences were found at the beginning and end of the study in the body weight variables with a mean difference of 2.1 kg ± 3.3 value –p = 0.006. The BMI presented a mean difference of 0.7 kg ± 1.1 value             –p=0.006. The abdominal perimeter had a mean difference of 1.7 cm ± 2.1 value –p=0.001. Systolic blood pressure with mean difference of 8.2 ± 10.9 value –p=0.002. Conclusions: An exercise program supervised by a physiotherapist turns out to be effective in controlling the lipid profile and improving body weight, BMI, waist circumference and systolic blood pressure.


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Juan Carlos Ávila, Fundación Universitaria Maria Cano

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en Rehabilitación Cardiaca y Pulmonar- Grupo de Investigación Salud y Movimiento – Fisioterapia. Fundación Universitaria María Cano – Extensión Cali, Colombia. Docente Facultad de Salud y Rehabilitación, Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte (Cali, Colombia).

Jhonatan Betancourt Peña, Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en Rehabilitación Cardíaca y Pulmonar. Docente Facultad de Salud y Rehabilitación, Institución Universitaria Escuela Nacional del Deporte (Cali, Colombia). Docente Facultad de Salud, Escuela de Rehabilitación Humana Universidad del Valle (Cali, Colombia).


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