Epidemiological profile of physiotherapy care in neurological conditions in a level III hospital

Perfil epidemiológico de la atención fisioterapéutica en afecciones neurológicas en un hospital de III nivel

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Ana María Duarte
Mayerli Orjuela
Biviana Rodríguez

With their presentation, neurological conditions generate important repercussions on various properties of human movement, limiting their functional performance and learning potential. Due to the repercussions on movement that these pathologies have, they represent a great demand for Physiotherapy services, however, to date there is no characterization of the epidemiological conditions of the neurological conditions that are treated in one of these services, which makes it difficult to implement plans
prevention of these entities and improvement of care in Physiotherapy. It is for this reason that the central purpose of this study is to identify the epidemiological profile of this type of pathologies that are treated in the Physiotherapy service of Hospital La Victoria, a Level III Hospital in the city of Bogotá. To achieve this purpose, a cross-sectional study was carried out with secondary sources of information, taking the statistical records of the
patients who were treated for neurological conditions in the Physiotherapy Service in the second semester of 2004, by students of the Institution's Physiotherapy program
Ibero-American University. From the research process, it was found that during this period 53 patients were treated, of which 50.9% were female, 26% of the patients had a diagnosis of CVD, 18.8% Cerebral Palsy, and 9.4% Down Syndrome; The average age was 34 years with a range between 10 months and 72 years; On average, patients received five intervention sessions, and 50% of patients were treated on an outpatient basis. From these findings, the central conclusion was drawn that regarding the movement alterations caused by neurological diseases that consult the Physiotherapy service of this hospital, these are related to neurodevelopmental problems and lifestyles of the population and their presentation tends to occur in various periods of the vital process, demanding Physiotherapeutic intervention processes that frequently occur on an outpatient basis.


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Ana María Duarte, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Estudiantes IX Semestre Programa de Fisioterapia de la Institución Universitaria Iberoamericana

Mayerli Orjuela, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Estudiantes IX Semestre Programa de Fisioterapia de la Institución Universitaria Iberoamericana

Biviana Rodríguez

Estudiantes IX Semestre Programa de Fisioterapia de la Institución Universitaria Iberoamericana

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