Healthy Lifestyle in University Women in Bogotá City
Estilos de Vida Saludable en Mujeres Universitarias de la Ciudad de Bogotá
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Introduction: Lifestyles are conscious and voluntary behaviors that influence the comprehensive development and quality of life of young women, mainly during the university period, as it is a stage of significant changes. The gender approach in research allows us to address the specific needs of women in relation to the multiple differential variables in the life cycle, therefore, the research objective is to characterize the lifestyles of university women in the city of Bogotá. Methods: A census-type sample was approached; 59 students from the Faculty of Physical Culture, Sports and Recreation of the Santo Tomás University participated, who met the inclusion criteria. The study presents an observational design, with a descriptive and transversal scope. The healthy lifestyle questionnaire (CEVS) was applied through Google Forms, the statistical part was carried out using the SPSS version 26 statistical package. Results: After the analysis by dimensions, the impact of physical and mental health was evident. about academic processes and the role in the family of the participants, would be directly linked to the mental health of the women. Conclusions: The relationship of lifestyle was evidenced according to the dimensions evaluated by the CEVS, thus identifying that the physical-mental health dimension is the one that presents the best results, while the academic-family dimension presents greater opportunities for improvement to influence the style healthy lifestyle of university women.
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