Enhancing Learning in Physiotherapy

Potenciando el Aprendizaje en Fisioterapia GPT Chat as a Transformative Tool

Main Article Content


This article reflects on the impact of integrating
GPT chat in physiotherapy education. It is based
on a methodology that combines gray literature
review with the author’s personal reflection and
critique. The results show that GPT chat provides an
interactive and dynamic platform for interactive and
personalized learning in physiotherapy. Students
can pose questions related to clinical cases and
receive instant responses, which enhance their
understanding and practical skills. Additionally,
GPT chat fosters collaboration and social learning
among students. The essential role of the teacher
as a facilitator of learning and promoter of critical
thinking is also highlighted. The integration of GPT
chat in physiotherapy education has the potential
to transform the way teaching and learning are
conducted, developing practical skills and preparing
students for clinical practice. However, it emphasizes
the importance of maintaining human interaction
and addressing the ethical challenges and limitations
associated with this technology


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Author Biography / See

Julian Andres Hernandez Quintero, Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Professor at Escuela Colombiana de Rehabilitación and researcher in epidemiology and exercise physiology. With emphasis in involved subjects to the public health, sport, non transmisible chronic disease and research. Specialist in Epidemiology with two semesters in Master in public health and social development. 


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