Bioethical dilemmas experienced by the respiratory caregiver during withdrawal from mechanical ventilation in adults at the termination of life.
Dilemas bioéticos experimentados por el cuidador respiratorio durante el retiro de la ventilación mecánica en adultos al final de la vida. Integrative review
Main Article Content
Background: regarding the withdrawal of mechanical ventilation at the end of life, the literature has documented conceptual gaps in respiratory caregivers and the consequent bioethical dilemmas these professionals face. Objective: to analyze the bioethical dilemmas experienced by respiratory caregivers during withdrawal from mechanical ventilation in adults at the end of life based on an integrative review of the literature published between 2010 and 2021. Methodology: an integrative review of the literature following the guidelines by Whittemore & Knafl (2005) and Guirao Goris (2015). To analyze the information, a critical evaluation of the collected literature was carried out to identify behavioral patterns of respiratory caregivers. Results: non-communicable and chronic diseases were identified as the main clinical conditions that determine the decision-making of the respiratory caregiver in the withdrawal of palliative mechanical ventilation; artificially prolonging life in terminally ill patients was the most frequent bioethical dilemma. Conclusions: respiratory care professionals face ethical dilemmas in the withdrawal of mechanical ventilation at the end of life of patients with oncological and non-oncological conditions; decision-making is carried out mainly based on the classic bioethical principles of Respect for autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice. The lack of studies on bioethics in dialogue with the guidelines of the Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights is evident.
Article Details
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