Characterization of the professional profile and role of the physiotherapist in the sports area in Cauca and Nariño.

Caracterización del perfil profesional y rol del fisioterapeuta del área deportiva en Cauca y Nariño.

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Jonathan Adrián Muñoz Luna
Yuleny Lucero Portilla Matacea
Sara Juliana Álvarez Pantoja

Introduction: The role of the sports physiotherapist is defined with respect to the competencies that they should exercise, but there is no clarity as to whether these competencies are being fulfilled due to the limited research. Objective: To describe the professional profile and role of the sports physiotherapist in Cauca and Nariño. Method: Descriptive-cross-sectional type of study, the study sample was 21 Physiotherapy professionals linked to the sports area, in the departments of Cauca and Nariño in 2019. Results: the male gender prevails, where physiotherapists work the most is in Sports institutes or secretariats, at the level of academic training 52.4% had a postgraduate degree in sports and physical activity, in the type of contracting, the provision of services is more prevalent. Prevention, return to sport, health promotion, training prevail among the most performing competencies. In the functions of the Ft, it is reported to a greater extent that he is always present in training, he is never present in competitions and sometimes travels with the team, 85.7% reported that they do prevention of injuries, in terms of the Physiotherapy indication 42.9% reported that it is performed by a doctor and physiotherapist. Conclusions: Half of sports physiotherapists carry out postgraduate studies. The role of the physical therapist is primarily for injury rehabilitation. Most physiotherapists do not base their approach on theoretical models or scientific evidence; The indication of sports FT is mostly performed in conjunction with a Physiotherapist-Doctor.


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