Intervention on the resistance strength of respiratory muscles in adult patients in the intensive care unit
Intervención en la fuerza de resistencia de los músculos respiratorios en pacientes adultos en la unidad de cuidado intensivo
Main Article Content
Introduction: Mechanical ventilation is a therapeutic strategy used in Intensive Care Units (ICU), weaning is the term used for the process of withdrawing Mechanical Ventilation to achieve spontaneous breathing; In ICUs, muscle weakness and physical deconditioning are common in patients receiving this strategy, especially when it is prolonged. Physiotherapy has proposed strategies that could limit or reverse these sequelae by facilitating rapid weaning and avoiding failures in extubation, defined as training of the respiratory muscles. However, there is no methodological information that standardizes the management of this strategy in ICUs, therefore the objective of this systematic review is to collect information to standardize a respiratory muscle training program in ICUs that facilitates ventilatory weaning.
Method: Systematic review of 5 databases (PUBMED, SCIENCE DIRECT, SCIELO, MEDLINE and EBSCO HOST) with a publication period between January 2000 and September 2015.
Results: There were 50 units of analysis within the review with greater predominance in 2012 and 2014 and in English; In addition, 28 articles correspond to America, followed by Oceania with 8, then Europe with 6, Asia with 5 and, in a smaller number, Africa with only 3. From the dimensions analyzed, it is highlighted that in the majority of the articles daily sessions are suggested, focusing on in strength training of respiratory muscles with a recommendation of 6 to 10 repetitions in exercises with intensities ranging between 20% to 50% of the Maximum Inspiratory Pressure.
Conclusions: Although each training strategy shows positive results in muscle strength, it is necessary to standardize training programs, based on the criteria of specificity, intensity and reversibility, guaranteeing training success.
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