Perception of satisfaction in care in users treated by physiotherapy students from the Universidad del Rosario
Percepción de la satisfacción en la atención en usuarios atendidos por estudiantes de fisioterapia de la universidad del rosario
Main Article Content
Introduction: Measuring user satisfaction in health services is a necessity in order to improve the quality of care. The objective is to know the perception of satisfaction in the provision of services to users attended by physiotherapy students in highly complex institutions in the city of Bogotá - Method: Descriptive study in a sample of 166 users; The items evaluated were: sociodemographic characterization, perception of quality - humanization, perception of change in health condition, loyalty and perception of satisfaction. Results: Sociodemographic Characterization: 62.05% of the users correspond to the male gender, and 42.37% correspond to users over 60 years of age. Perception of quality – Humanization: All users perceived excellent treatment; Regarding the duration, in the number of sessions, 52% stated that they agreed, 94% indicated that the procedure was properly explained to them with clear, understandable and useful information. Perception of change in health condition: 94.8% stated that the treatment met their expectations and 67.4% considered improvement in their health status after treatment. Loyalty and Perception of satisfaction: More than 90% of users are satisfied and would recommend the service received. Conclusions: The recorded perception showed that the users treated by physiotherapy students were satisfied with the intervention, explanation of objectives and treatment; For future studies, it is suggested to include analysis categories such as qualification standards and priority care processes.
Article Details
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