Abdominal surgery and human body movement

Cirugía abdominal y movimiento corporal humano Clinical literature review from physiotherapy

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Iván Dario Pinzón Ríos

Introduction: Physiotherapy after Abdominal Surgery has been shown to be effective in reducing concomitant pulmonary and physical complications. However, all the effects produced by physiotherapy management to address this condition are still unknown. This literature review aims to determine the immediate physiotherapeutic treatment of abdominal surgery, understanding organic dysfunction.
subsequent that causes alterations in human body movement. Method: A systematic review of the literature was carried out in the Scielo and PubMed databases; using the MeSH terms abdominal cavity and physical therapy, identifying original articles published in English, Portuguese and Spanish from the last 10 years. Results: Clinically significant incidence, pulmonary complications were included in the results.
postoperative conditions, length of stay and functional restoration in the majority of the studies reviewed. Conclusions: Physiotherapy, especially respiratory therapy, has positive effects on reducing pulmonary complications, hospital stay and optimizing functional performance.


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Iván Dario Pinzón Ríos, Universidad Industrial de Santander

Fisioterapeuta. Especialista en Pedagogía Universitaria. Magíster en Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte. Docente Escuela de Fisioterapia. Universidad Industrial de Santander.


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