Physiotherapy intervention strategies in neurorehabilitation used in Colombia
Estrategias de intervención de fisioterapia en neurorehabilitación utilizadas en Colombia Bibliographic review
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Introduction: Neurorehabilitation is a specialty of Physiotherapy that is responsible for the rehabilitation of human body movement after neurological injuries. The objective of this article is to demonstrate the physiotherapy intervention strategies in neurorehabilitation used in Colombia. Method: Bibliographic review study through consultation of the existing literature about the intervention strategies used by physiotherapists in neurorehabilitation in Colombia, considering articles published during the last five years by Colombian authors. Results: The publications found show that intervention strategies are used under the theories of motor control, reflex and hierarchical theory, trying to achieve the recovery of the patient's functionality but not their functioning. Although there are intervention strategies that involve sensory integration using theoretical references such as motor learning through therapies supported by technologies, physical means and support from osteopathy, there is still a need to get closer to intervention strategies where human body movement is understood from a complex perspective that allows influencing the processes of ideation, planning, and execution of the movement. Conclusions: It is evident that our country has not been strong in publishing in this area of Physiotherapy.
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