Demographic characteristics and physiotherapy care of patients with cerebrovascular disease
Características demográficas y de atención fisioterapéutica de pacientes con enfermedad cerebrovascular
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Cerebrovascular Disease (CVD) is the leading cause of mortality within neurological conditions, and its current presentation trends are worrying as the population is exposed to inadequate lifestyles where the main etiological factors associated with the entity and to the increase in life expectancy conditions. Due to their nature, these types of conditions generate important consequences in relation to movement, which are treated in Physiotherapy services. However, up to now there are no elements in Physiotherapy that specify the demographic characteristics and patient care.
affected by the entity, which prevents having elements on which to plan actions for the prevention and improvement of the care provided to people with CVD. This article presents the results of a cross-sectional study with secondary sources of information reviewing the statistical records of patients with CVD treated in the second semester of 2004 at the Hospital de la Victoria. In relation to the demographic and epidemiological profile, it was found that during the second half of 2004, 14 patients were treated, of which 57% were male, the average age was 60 years. Regarding care, it is reported that the average number of sessions performed per patient was 4, 92.8% of patients
were treated during the hospitalization period, 28.5% of the patients treated occurred in the months of October and November. From these findings, it is concluded that CVD is an entity with a greater predominance in the male gender that continues to be frequent in the sixth decade of life, concentrating attention on the hospital part in short periods of time, affecting the possibilities of effective treatment. Physiotherapeutic intervention.
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