Epidemiological profile of physiotherapy care in respiratory conditions in a level III hospital
Perfil epidemiológico de la atención fisioterapéutica en afecciones respiratorias en un hospital de III nivel
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Respiratory diseases have a great impact on the properties of movement, mainly on aerobic resistance, limiting the functional performance of man. Currently, their prevalence could be increasing if the greater environmental pollution and the number of people belonging to the group are taken into account. of older adults in the population that increase the burden of chronic-degenerative diseases. To date, there is no known epidemiological, demographic, or characteristics of Physiotherapy care for these entities, making it difficult to have elements for prevention actions and improvement of the quality of care in diseases of this order. In accordance with the above, a study was proposed in the Physiotherapy program of the Ibero-American University Institution whose fundamental purpose was to establish the epidemiological profile of Physiotherapeutic care at the Hospital de la Victoria, State Social Enterprise (E.S.E.), third level of complexity. For this purpose, a cross-sectional study was implemented with secondary sources of information, taking the statistical records of care of patients with respiratory conditions in the Physiotherapy Service of the Hospital de la Victoria during the second half of 2004. During the study period, 183 patients were treated. of which 56.8% were male, the average age was 19.4 years, with the distribution ranges between 4 months and 70 years. 38.2% of the cases had bronchopneumonia, 16.9% obstructive pulmonary disease, and 10.9 % bronchiolitis; Patients received an average of 3 sessions, and 32.7% of the care was given in the month of October. From the results obtained, it is generally concluded that respiratory diseases tend to be more frequent in males and are present throughout life, with the most important etiological elements being those of an infectious nature and environmental conditions.
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