Parameters for the initiation of non-invasive mechanical ventilation in neonates

Parámetros para la iniciación de ventilación mecánica no invasiva en neonatos

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Luz Angela Alejo de Paula

Grouped under the name of non-invasive mechanical ventilation are those respiratory support modalities that allow increasing alveolar ventilation without the need for artificial airway access, unlike orotracheal intubation. NIV was initiated in the 1950s as a result of the need to ventilate a large number of patients with respiratory paralysis during the polio epidemic that devastated Europe and North America. In the following years it was introduced in the neonatal population. It has been associated with a decrease in cases of alveolar rupture and chronic lung disease. There are numerous bibliographic reviews that describe the use of invasive mechanical ventilation in neonates, but the modality is not
invasive, it remains a mere recommendation or rescue measure of last option, and its programming and initiation is limited to basic expert suggestions; Therefore, this work seeks to describe the parameters that are reported in the literature for the
establishment of non-invasive mechanical ventilation in neonates. 77 scientific articles were reviewed with the range of publications from 1986 to 2008, of which 44 were analyzed in the information matrix considering: title, author, type of study, outcome,
main results, contributions to research from the abstraction of the oxygenation and/or ventilation parameters that the authors applied or recommended in their studies, only 19 of them provide important parameters of NIV in neonates.


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Author Biography / See

Luz Angela Alejo de Paula, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Fisioterapeuta Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Especialista en Fisioterapia Cuidado Crítico, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana. Docente de la Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana


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