Primitive reactions and neuromotor reactions: neurological substrate of motor behavior in humans
Reacciones primitivas y reacciones neuromotoras: sustrato neurológico de la conducta motora en humanos.
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Based on different studies carried out by researchers such as Thelen, Katona and Zelazo, neonatal reflexes have received different types of names, which respond to their nature and function. With some of them, it has been shown that their mechanism of action is conserved as a defense element or as a precursor pattern of mature function; such is the case of the reflexes of automatic walking, plantar prehension and positive support reaction, as precursors of all those activities of standing, walking, running and jumping; In the same way, it is worth highlighting the importance that neuromotor reactions exert on the child's motor repertoire, understanding these as part of those automatic strategies that emerge thanks to the control exerted by higher levels of the central nervous system, to control the alignment. corporal with respect to space, in situations that demand it; Assessing neurodevelopmental reflexes and neuromotor reactions is a basic condition for establishing criteria on which to base intervention strategies in physical therapy.
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