Physical conditioning program for patients with anterior cruciate ligament fixation using biodegradable screws
Programa de acondicionamiento físico para pacientes con fijación de ligamento cruzado anterior mediante tornillos biodegradables
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The knee is one of the most complex joints in the body, which supports high forces and moments, and is located between the longest lever arms of the body (the femur and tibia), making it particularly susceptible to injury, according to the Medical Commission of the International Olympic Committee in collaboration with the International Federation of Sports Medicine, 47% of knee injuries (of sports origin) compromise the Anterior Cruciate Ligament. During the second two months of 2008, at the medical rehabilitation and electrodiagnostic institute, IRME Mandalay, an increase in patients treated surgically for anterior cruciate ligament injury was observed by fixation with biodegradable screws, this technique requires the use of intracorporeal implanted materials. which allow recovery to take place in a shorter time, showing results notably superior to those obtained with other fixation materials. The increase in its use in the medical-surgical field poses different challenges to physiotherapy and other health professions, which is why the objective of this project is to propose a physical conditioning program aimed at the early rehabilitation of the reference population. , generating new and better intervention strategies in this type of ligamentous injury.
Article Details
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