Physical conditioning program for adults infected with human immunodeficiency virus in clinical stages I and II

Programa de acondicionamiento físico para adultos infectados con virus de inmunodeficiencia humana en etapas clínicas I y II

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Jennifer González Sanabria

The number of people infected with HIV is increasing and the life expectancy of the population has increased as a result of advances in coverage and treatment actions; which has allowed the development of knowledge related to infection, the prolonged use of antiretroviral therapies and the comorbidity characteristic of the pathological process. For this reason, currently prevention activities aim not only to control new cases but also to reduce the side effects of the use of antiretroviral medications and the development of diseases associated with infection, within which the implementation of physical conditioning programs have gained vital importance, due to the direct impact on the contribution to the quality of life of this population.


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Jennifer González Sanabria

Fisioterapeuta Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana. Especialista en Formulación y Gestión de Programas de Acondicionamiento Cinético. Entrenadora Personalizada CMD Bodytech Pasadena. 


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