Quality of life of patients in critical conditions

Calidad de vida de los pacientes en condiciones críticas

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Carmen Lilia Rodríguez Medina

This article analyzes the factors that alter the quality of life of the patient in critical health conditions. Critical patients may present symptoms that interfere with their physical capacity, such as loss of mobility and flexibility, but their personal and professional life is also affected since the symptoms and pathophysiology of the disease interfere with social functions. and personal, including marital conflict, sexual dysfunction, and psychological stress. All of these alter the quality of life and general well-being of the patient. “The disease must be understood as a biological process that involves a structural or functional alteration accompanied by a psychological component that entails suffering and pain and a social element because it involves a deficiency and /or disability.” Understanding the changes that occur in the quality of life of people hospitalized in an intensive care unit allows us to better understand the needs and expectations of these patients. At the same time, it can promote a greater human sense in health professionals to face these situations. .


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Carmen Lilia Rodríguez Medina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Fisioterapeuta, Departamento del Movimiento Corporal Humano, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá. Grupo de investigación profundización en kinesioterapia, Línea de investigación el Movimiento Corporal Humano en condiciones críticas de salud.


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