Análisis de la condición física y actividad física en escolares de 4 a 6 años en preescolar

Análisis de la condición física y actividad física en escolares de 4 a 6 años en preescolar Analysis of physical fitness and physical activity in preschool students aged 4 to 6

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Diogo Rodrigues Bezerra
Eduar Alonso Ceballos Bernal

The project focused on the prevention of chronic NCDs in children from 4 to 6 years of age, where it was intended to assess their physical condition, physical activity and physical activity level. It included a transversal descriptive scope, where the sample was 20 children who met the established criteria. The protocols were based on strength, flexibility and level of physical activity. As part of the characterization of the sample, it was possible to identify that these showed values of normal range in terms of weight and size; after analysis of the body composition, 40% of overweight children were found. 50 per cent were identified and 60 per cent girls were identified in stratum 3, which as primarily in the variables of physical activity investigated in the questionnaire; the selected physical tests showed a deficit in which none reached the minimum of their varemos, emphasizing that in the flexibility test it was possible to denote a better result exceeding the average of the protocol. The analysis of the data did not yield favourable results, understanding that they are in a stage of integral development; 30% of overweight children and 40% obesity were observed, This evidenced the sedentary behaviors they have acquired as well as proved in the questionnaire.


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Diogo Rodrigues Bezerra, Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Biomecania y fisioterapia musculoesqueletica y tegumentaria

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