Physical activity levels in university students from the IPAQ questionnaire.

Niveles de actividad física en estudiantes de universitarios a partir del cuestionario IPAQ

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Cristian Camilo Belalcazar Carvajal

The WHO and the Pan American Health Organization indicate that, worldwide, young people do not make the recommendations regarding the practice of physical activity, for this reason the characterization of the levels of physical activity that each of them performs is carried out in a group of university students, through the application of the IPAQ questionnaire.  General objective: To determine the levels of physical activity in undergraduate students of semesters 3 and 4 through the IPAQ questionnaire, short version, in the months of July to August of the year 2023. Methodology: This is a cross-sectional study, applied in a university institution in Cundinamarca. Taking as a reference the population of third and fourth semester students belonging to a basic level of training, with a sample of 136 participants. Results: the physical activity levels of the participants and based on the results it can be inferred that the practice of physical exercise is insufficient to meet the minimum parameters established by the WHO, on the other hand, within the level that is most related in the participants is Light physical activity, which specifically describes walking,  as the activity that students practice the most. Conclusion:  The results of this research show that the population under study has low levels of physical activity, this fact may be due to the schedules in which they participate in their classes and the little use of free time, the findings of the study coincide with international findings and national studies where a large percentage of the world's population is sedentary or with low levels of physical activity.


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Fisioterapéuta de la Escuela Colombiana de rehabilitación , especialista en ejercicio físico para la Salud de la universidad del rosario 


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