Perceived morbidity in women workers in the informal sector who live in the Quebrada Pubus settlement of the city of Popayán

Morbilidad percibida en mujeres trabajadoras del sector informal que habitan el asentamiento quebrada pubus de la ciudad de popayán

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Carlos Iván Salazar Villamarín

This article is the result of a descriptive study, with a cross-sectional observational method, which allowed us to determine the perceived morbidity of pain in informal working women who live in the Laura Simmonds Settlement, Quebrada Pubus, Popayán, 2009, whose data collection It was possible through the application of SF36 and Nordic, to the sample under study: 56 informal sector workers living in the Laura Simmonds Settlement, in Quebrada Pubus. The results were organized, tabulated and processed, through SPSS statistical packages, version 11.5 and Excel, which allowed them to be identified as workers aged between 17 and 72 years, with a higher percentage between 26 and 45 years, with basic schooling. primary, dedicated mainly to cleaning homes and street sales. They mostly suffer from pain in the lumbar region, followed by the dorsal region, which lasts for a period of 1 to 7 days, causing them to reduce their activity, between 8 and 30 days. They state that they have not had problems at this level before, nor have they been injured in any accident, but even so, and the pain being disabling, they do not go to health personnel. The majority rate as good, in 6 of 8 spheres of total health, with the physical and emotional role being the two most affected.


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Author Biography / See

Carlos Iván Salazar Villamarín, Fundación Universitaria María Cano. Sede Popayán

Docente Investigador del Programa de Fisioterapia de la Fundación Universitaria María Cano. Sede Popayán

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