Health conditions of patients with Hansen's disease of the E.S.E. north 3 level i of the municipality of Puerto Tejada, 2009

Condiciones de salud de pacientes con enfermedad de hansen de la e.s.e. norte 3 nivel i del municipio de puerto tejada, 2009

Main Article Content

Carlos Iván Salazar Villamarín

This article is the result of a descriptive study carried out in Puerto Tejada, a municipality in the department of Cauca, in order to identify the health conditions of patients with Hansen's disease. The information was obtained by the municipal health secretary, the health-providing institutions, for the development of comprehensive care programs for people with this disease, which allowed the design and development of strategies to counteract the damage as much as possible and also, prevent it. Based on the lack of knowledge of the health situation of the Hansen patients of the E.S.E, North 3 Level I of the municipality of Puerto Tejada, the Physiotherapy group decides to investigate the matter and manages, using methodological strategies, to recognize the health conditions, taking into account the condition of poverty, overcrowding, unfavorable state of health, showing that these factors are part of their own environment and have to do, among others, with their individual and collective, social and family lifestyle, as well as their habits. hygiene, biological and other conditions; facilitating the organizations responsible for health, the formulation of programs and projects for immediate comprehensive care given their psychophysical and social requirements.


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Author Biography / See

Carlos Iván Salazar Villamarín, Fundación Universitaria María Cano. Sede Popayán.

Docente Investigador del Programa de Fisioterapia de la Fundación Universitaria María Cano. Sede Popayán.


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