The family and motor development in early childhood, a view from the social determination model.

La familia y el desarrollo motor en la primera infancia, una mirada desde el modelo de la determinación social

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Diana Alexandra Camargo Rojas

The conditions of the health-disease process of individuals and communities have been approached mainly from the natural sciences with a positivist approach, which seeks to understand the behavior of health conditions, applying the rigor of the scientific method, in order to recognize the causal factors and
relationships that occur between measurable and observable variables. However, this reductionist view ignores the composition of social reality, history, culture, politics and the economy, determinants that influence the health and quality of life of individuals and the community. It is important to clarify that the changes in the
concept of the health-disease process, which have occurred in history, occur at political, social, economic moments and the health conditions of the populations, typical of each era. Given this situation, interventions based on Bacteriology, Microbiology, causal and multicausal theories, are insufficient to
carry out promotion and prevention actions. In this review article it is stated that the determinants of health and the different domains in which the health-disease process develops begin to be essential in order to give a holistic look at health conditions in Early Childhood and allow a dialogue between knowledge, scientific and popular, that manages to integrate the subjects and the different social actors such as the Family, within the evaluation and diagnoses of health conditions and quality of life.
they do in individuals and the collective.


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Diana Alexandra Camargo Rojas, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Fisioterapeuta, Magister en Salud Pública. Docente e Investigadora Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

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