Use of neuromuscular facilitation as an activation mechanism of the abdominal corset to promote adequate postural control

Uso de la facilitación neuromuscular como mecanismo de activación del corsé abdominal para promover un adecuado control postural

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Karol Bibiana García Solano
Mónica Yamile Pinzón Bernal

The abdominal muscle corset is seen as a muscle corset that works as a unit to stabilize the body and especially the postural axis. In this case, proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation is a training alternative to activate the action of the abdominal corset muscles through progressive resisted exercise techniques or through advanced strengthening programs, especially those that privilege the reversal of antagonists, it is a method effective to achieve a rapid and effective improvement in flexibility based on the action of habitual sequences, on the proprioceptors and the cortical control of movement necessary to generate stability, therefore a program based on the principles of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation in training plans. training or rehabilitation, helps to integrate the sensory and motor aspects that by incorporating training activities of the abdominal corset muscles facilitate proper balance, stability of the base and the center of gravity on the support base, therefore the importance of balance maintenance programs through core stability for the prevention of sports injuries.


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Karol Bibiana García Solano, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales

Fisioterapeuta Especialista en Intervención Integral en el Deportista Universidad Autónoma de Manizales. Estudios de Maestría en Intervención Integral en el Deportista.

Mónica Yamile Pinzón Bernal, Universidad Autónoma de Manizales

Fisioterapeuta Especialista en Neurorehabilitación. Terapeuta del Neurodesarrollo NDT/Bobath. Estudios de Maestría en Neurorehabilitación. Coordinadora Especialización en Neurorehabilitación Universidad Autónoma de Manizales. 


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