Diagnosis of management strategies that allow the promotion of physical activity in students from district schools
Diagnóstico de las estrategias de gestión que permiten la promoción de actividad física en los escolares de colegios del distrito
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This article is the result of a research project, which is framed in a descriptive study, with a qualitative method. The objective of which was to establish a diagnosis of the management strategies that allow the promotion of physical activity in students from schools in the District. The sample is presented in two (2) phases. The first phase corresponds to the School Referents (R.C), which were 22 district schools who participated in the application of the first instrument, therefore 22 teachers and/or coordinators. The second phase is the Representatives of External Institutions (R.I.), who are one (1) university, three (3) hospitals and two people (2) from a public district recreation and sports entity, it was a total of 6 people.
Regarding the conclusions, shortcomings are identified in the management parameters for the promotion of physical activity in schoolchildren for district schools, in the aspects of coverage, relevance and compliance.
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