The Research Gap in Alternative Therapies

El Vacío de Investigación en Terapias Alternativas A Bioethical Analysis from a Principalist Ethics Perspective

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julian andres hernandez quintero

The general objective of this work is to address the research gap in alternative therapies by evaluating the ethical implications and promoting an informed and constructive dialogue among patients, healthcare professionals, and society at large. The methodology used is based on reflective analysis, considering the principles of autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. The results of the reflective inference suggest that the lack of rigorous research in alternative therapies poses ethical and practical challenges, hindering access to reliable information and informed decision-making. Factors such as lack of funding, limited interest from the pharmaceutical industry, methodological and regulatory challenges, and publication bias are identified as contributors to this gap. The conclusions highlight the importance of allocating more financial resources, developing tailored research approaches, establishing appropriate quality standards and regulations, promoting transparency in result disclosure, and fostering collaboration among researchers, healthcare professionals, and patients. In this way, the aim is to address the research gap and generate robust evidence on the effectiveness and safety of alternative therapies, ensuring a balanced, equitable, and evidence-based approach in healthcare. 


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julian andres hernandez quintero, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Lecturer at Manuela Beltrán University and researcher in the areas of epidemiology, bioethics, and exercise physiology. Emphasizing topics related to public health, sports, and non-communicable chronic diseases. Specialized in Epidemiology. Currently pursuing a Master's degree in Bioethics.


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