Perception of quality of life in people recovered from covid-19 vs non-COVID people

Percepción de la calidad de vida en personas recuperadas de covid-19 vs personas no COVID

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Julián David Otálora Pineda
Ángela María Polanco Barreto

Introduction: The COVID-19 disease has become a pandemic, reaching more than 5 million deaths worldwide, since the virus was identified. The disease affects various body systems, including the respiratory, gastrointestinal, cardiovascular, and nervous systems. Cases of respiratory, cardiovascular, and neurological sequelae have been reported that last several weeks after the disease has been overcome; however, there are no known studies that evaluate quality of life and generate a comparative process with people who have not had it. Objective: To identify the differences in the perception of quality of life in people recovered from COVID-19 versus the perception of people who did not have the disease. Method: Study with a quantitative cross-sectional approach of exploratory scope, where the quality of life in people recovered from COVID-19 was evaluated, with the WHOQOL BREF quality of life scale, in 30 adults who recovered from the disease and 30 volunteers. healthy between 30 and 50 years of age. Results: 24 women and 6 men participated in the group of recovered people, 17 women and 13 men participated in the group of healthy people, it was found that people recovered from COVID-19, with a significant difference of 0.05, had a perception of quality of life greater than the group of people who have not presented the disease. 


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Ángela María Polanco Barreto, Grupo de Neurociencias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Docente investigadora del grupo de Neurociencias de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia.


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