Benefits of hippotherapy for children and adolescents with autism spectrum disorder

Beneficios de la hipoterapia para niños y adolescentes con trastorno del espectro autista a systematic review

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Jady Nur Espitia Mafioly
Diana Alejandra Orjuela Rodríguez

Objective: To determine the benefits of hippotherapy in children and adolescents diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Search strategy: An exhaustive search of Randomized Clinical Trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews was carried out, with two investigators, who carried out an individual search in the following databases: PubMed, ScienceDirect, Cochrane Library, Web Of Science. Using as main key terms "hippotherapy", "autism", "autism spectrum disorder", "physical therapy" and using the following combinations (hippotherapy) AND (autism spectrum disorder), (autism) AND (hippotherapy) and (autism spectrum disorder) AND (physical therapy Results:  8 articles were collected in which greater benefits are observed in the social and cognitive areas in children diagnosed with autism. There is little evidence to support the benefit in the qualities of motor control, postural control, coordination and gait, factors that have significant deficiencies in this population. Conclusions: According to this review, it can be established that hippotherapy has a diversity of benefits, especially in the population diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder and that it demonstrates benefits in behavior and socialization, which improves the quality of life of children and their families. . However, research with good methodological quality is needed to understand the benefits of assisted therapy with animals (horses) in human body movement. 


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