The finger dermatoglyphics tool for the prediction of arterial hypertension

La dermatoglifia dactilar herramienta de reconocimiento de la hipertensión arterial

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Laura Elizabeth Castro
Iván David Sarmiento Soler

Introduction. Arterial hypertension is a chronic pathology that generates health complications, deteriorates the quality of life and high costs in the health system; its detection is usually late due to presenting silent symptoms. Dermatoglyphics is an early detection tool that can respond to the need to identify genetic predisposition to the disease and thus carry out preventive actions. Objetive. To identify the scientific evidence in finger dermatoglyphics as a recognition tool for the presence of arterial hypertension. Methods. A systematic review was carried out, adopting the prism methodology in four databases (Pubmed, Sciencedirect, BVS and Scopus). The articles that were included underwent a Cochrane bias assessment and were evaluated under the Scottish Intercollegiate Guidelines Network, with level of evidence and recommendation. Results. Finally, 19 articles corresponding to arterial hypertension were found. Showing a classification of four articles in a 2++ category, five of them were 2+ and 11 articles in 2- for arterial hypertension, with a level of recommendation C and D. The evidence demonstrates the relationship between dermatoglyphics and the presence of arterial hypertension, presenting a greater number of ridges in the fingerprints and whorls. Conclusions. Dermatoglyphics is a tool for recognizing arterial hypertension, establishing a low-cost, reliable and non-invasive instrument, facilitating early detection of the disease and preventing associated complications.  


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Laura Elizabeth Castro, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional. Licenciatura en Deporte

Fisioterapeuta, Magister en Salud Pública, Candidata a Doctor en Humanidades, Humanismo y persona. Universidad Santo Tomás. Grupo de investigación Cuerpo, Sujeto y educación.

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