Maximum oxygen consumption level and sleep quality in university students
Nivel de consumo máximo de oxígeno y calidad del sueño en estudiantes universitarios
Main Article Content
Sleep disturbances have a marked prevalence in university students, the level of sleep quality and VO2 max in university students, has become a subject of study of vital importance since they are determinant factors of health and good quality of life. The objective of the study was to determine the association between the level of maximum oxygen consumption (VO2 max) and sleep quality in 41 students of the first and ninth semester of the Mariana University in 2022. A descriptive, correlational study was carried out, which yielded results about the VO2 max level and sleep quality through the application of the Queen's College test and the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. The study showed that there is no association between the variables VO2 max, sleep quality and semester. In addition to this, it was evidenced that VO2 max is predominantly normal in the study population and that only a minority presented affectation of said variable, on the other hand, the sleep quality variable shows that the vast majority of student’s present affectations. When making the comparison with other studies, it was possible to conclude that the affectation of sleep is generalized, regardless of the semester, and VO2 max is mostly normal among university students.
Article Details
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