Professional characterization of the physiotherapist in a critical care unit in Bogotá

Caracterización profesional del fisioterapeuta en unidad de cuidado crítico en bogotá

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Erika Gordillo
Patricia López

Law 528 of 1999 defines physiotherapy as “a liberal profession, in the health area with university training, whose subjects of care are the individual, the family and the community in the environment where it operates.” It determines as an object of study, the understanding and management of human body movement, as an essential element of human health and well-being. The physiotherapist directs his actions to the maintenance, optimization or enhancement of movement, as well as the prevention and recovery of its alterations and the comprehensive rehabilitation and rehabilitation of people, in order to optimize their quality of life and contribute to social development.
Additionally, in recent years, the physiotherapist has been playing a very important role in the Intensive Care Units (ICUs). Therefore, this article is the result of a research project, which allowed us to characterize the professional profile of physiotherapists and to know the current situation of the
physiotherapist who works in ICUs in the city of Bogotá, from the organizational, occupational, educational, technological, economic, productive and service environment. The methodology was framed within descriptive studies and used the survey as a method. The survey was applied to graduated physiotherapists who work in each of the 55 ICUs in the city of Bogotá. This survey was validated by expert judges, obtaining agreement rates, which allowed the necessary adjustments to be made to be presented to the target population.


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Author Biographies / See

Erika Gordillo, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Especialista en Fisioterapia en Cuidado Crítico, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana; Fisioterapeuta, Fundación Universitaria María Cano; Docente Especialización en Fisioterapia en Cuidado Crítico, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Patricia López, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

Licenciada en Física, Universidad Pedagógica Nacional; Especialista en Medición y Evaluación de Ciencias Sociales, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana; Master en investigación Educativa, Instituto Central de Ciencias Pedagógicas (La Habana, Cuba); Directora
de Centro de Investigaciones, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana.


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Ley 528 de 1999. Por la cual se reglamenta el ejercicio de la profesión de fisioterapia, por la cual se dictan normas en materia de ética profesional y otras disposiciones. Congreso de Colombia.

Sarmiento, M. y Cruz I. (1997). Historia de la fisioterapia en Colombia 1952-1960, periodo de institucionalización académica. Pág. 3.
