Characterization of child development in the calera from a social determination approach

Caracterización del desarrollo infantil en la calera desde un enfoque de la determinación social

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Diana Alexandra Camargo Rojas

The conditions of the health-disease process of populations in early childhood can be understood from Social Determination, recognizing the relationship between the context and the childhood development of boys and girls. Based on the above, this article describes the results of a research that sought to determine the existing interactions between support networks and the context, with early childhood development, in boys and girls from the HOBI Homes of the Municipality of the Calera; For which a descriptive study was carried out that investigated the determinants of the general, particular and singular Domain, to then generate the interactions from the Social Determination Model; Since the abbreviated development scale was applied, semi-structured interviews were carried out with community mothers and a documentary review was carried out related to the conditions
economic, social and political of La Calera. As main results, it was found that the municipality of La Calera, level 6 at the national level, receives transfers from the central government for early childhood support programs, in conjunction with the actions developed by ICBF. The policies that govern the Municipality are the
raised at the national level, without considering the conditions of the Municipality, such as a large area and population in the rural area, with deficiencies in the tertiary roads and the availability of transportation for the paths far from the urban area; condition that affects the provision of services related to training, advice and support to community mothers of the ICBF Homes, who may be unaware of some warning signs in children, which affects conditions related to child development, such as development of language and social relationships; This is greater in rural areas.


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Diana Alexandra Camargo Rojas, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana

MSc en Salud Pública, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Fisioterapeuta, Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Investigadora Grupo en Salud Pública. Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana


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