Postural characterization in preadolescents of the Santo Tomás de Aquino school in the city of Bogotá
Caracterización postural en los preadolescentes del colegio santo tomás de aquino en la ciudad de bogotá
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The purpose of this article was to characterize the postural behavior in preadolescents at the Santo Tomás de Aquino school in the city of Bogotá. 87 students between the ages of 11 and 13 from fifth to ninth grade were included. In the methodology, a descriptive cross-sectional correlational study was proposed, where variables related to personal characteristics and physical evaluation were analyzed, which included: laterality, anthropometric characteristics and evaluation of furniture (suitcases and desks). Among the results, it was found that the entire population studied had some type of postural alteration; with a higher prevalence of dropped shoulder (87.34%), scoliosis (78.15%) and hyperkyphosis (71.26%). 40.22% of the students are overweight. The average weight of the suitcases they use is 6.7 kg; and 70.11% of the population exceeds the weight of the suitcase in relation to their body weight. On the other hand, it was found that the furniture partially complies with the standards established by the Colombian government. However, in the previous data, no direct correlation was found between the weight of the suitcases or the design of the furniture on a particular postural alteration.
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