Influence of playing the tennis game in virtual reality on manipulative patterns in 7-year-old children
Influencia de la práctica del juego de tenis en realidad virtual sobre los patrones manipulativos en niños de 7 años
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The objective of this article is to determine the influence that the virtual reality game generates on the manipulative patterns in school children from Bogotá, Colombia. Quasi-experimental pretest and posttest study with
control group, developed in a population sample of 14 minors under the age of 7 years in two schools in the city of Bogotá, whose applied technology was the virtual reality tennis video game of the Nintendo Wii console. The results were analyzed comparatively between groups and between evaluations. The progress of the intervention and control groups was evident, regarding the development of the manipulative patterns after the application of the video game. The application of the study shows agreement with the research hypothesis, by demonstrating that the tennis game in virtual reality generates influence on the patterns. manipulative of the intervened population.
Article Details
Bellido, D. C. (s.f.). Recuperado el 25 de Marzo de 2013, Disponible en: http// www.
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