Biomechanical danger triggering musculoskeletal disorders in upper limbs in workers of a hospital in Cundinamarca

Peligro biomecánico desencadenante de desórdenes músculo esqueléticos en miembros superiores en los trabajadores de un hospital de cundinamarca

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Luz Ángela Téllez Chavarro
Grey Carolina Gaviria Herrera

Musculoskeletal disorders are common and are directly related to workplace conditions and include a wide range of degenerative and inflammatory conditions; characterized in one of the largest categories of work-related diseases. The main objective of the basic research for this article was to identify the biomechanical dangers that trigger musculoskeletal disorders in the upper limbs to which workers at the Nuestra Señora del Carmen Hospital in the municipality of Tabio, Cundinamarca are exposed. For its development, a descriptive study was carried out; The participants completed a survey with sociodemographic information content, they also self-reported musculoskeletal manifestations and reported biomechanical danger. This instrument was designed for the study and validated by a group of expert judges; which had to be completed by the worker. The sampling was for convenience of 28 workers hired by the Hospital; The ANSI Z 365 ergonomic checklist was also used. It was found in the study that the age of the population is in the range of 33 to 47 years, the average seniority in positions is 1 to 3 years; 68% of workers reported having painful symptoms in their shoulders and hands. After applying the ergonomic verification test, it was estimated

that the majority of employees are in an ergonomic situation that justifies a control strategy. Once the application of the instruments was completed, it was found that the biomechanical danger present among the workers is repetitive movement in the upper limbs.


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Luz Ángela Téllez Chavarro, Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Fisioterapeuta Universidad Manuela Beltrán, Especialista en salud ocupacional Universidad Manuela Beltrán y en Ergonomía Universidad El Bosque. Docente de investigación, línea de ergonomía, grupo de ocupación humana. Universidad Manuela Beltrán.

Grey Carolina Gaviria Herrera, Hospital Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Tabio.

Fisioterapeuta Universidad San Buenaventura, Especialista en Salud Ocupacional Universidad Manuela Beltrán. Fisioterapeuta. Hospital Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Tabio.


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