Arterial gas intervals in the healthy adult population of Neiva
Intervalos de gases arteriales en la población adulta sana de neiva
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The arterial blood gas test is a daily tool used by health personnel, which is why this research is proposed, the objective of which is to determine the ranges of arterial gases (pH, PCO2, PO2, HCO3, BE, SO2 and PaO2 /FiO2) in the healthy adult population of Neiva located at an altitude of 442 m above sea level. This is carried out on 100 healthy adults based on occupational medical history, personnel who work at the Mediláser clinic. The arterial blood gas measurement protocol and an informed consent form were used as instruments. The indicated parameters were processed on the Roche Omni's Cobas' b221 equipment and the data were entered into a Statgraphics statistical database; Then their analysis was carried out with a 95% confidence interval, obtaining the following real values: BE between -1.78 and -1.22, for HCO3 values from 22.55 to 23.21 mmol/l Regarding PCO2, it was found to be 36.67 to 37.97 mmHg, in PH 7.401 to 7.409, PO2 between 92.19 and 94.97 mmHg and SO2 between 97 and 97.33%. It is also important to include the PaO2/FiO2 interval whose value found is between 438.905 and 452.228.
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