Prevalence of types of cancer that lead to the requirement of oxygen in a clinic during the period 2020-2021
Prevalencia de los tipos de cáncer que conlleva a la necesidad de oxígeno en una clínica oncológica en el periodo enero 2020 a diciembre 2021
Main Article Content
Cancer generates different changes in the organism
that affect the person, the first is given by tumor
immunosurveillance and free radicals, in the same
way chemotherapy, radiotherapy and surgical
interventions promote the oxygen requirement in
cancer patients. generating complications of their
disease and prolonged hospital stays. OBJECTIVE To
identify the prevalence of types of cancer that lead to
the use of oxygen in an oncology clinic in the period
2020 to 2021. METHODOLOGY This study is a nonexperimental,
cross-sectional, descriptive mixed-type
investigation. RESULTS: The oncological pathologies
that most required oxygen in the oncological clinic
during this period were colon, followed by stomach,
breast, thyroid, however, these require low-flow
systems, with prolonged times, on the other hand,
leukemias require high flow systems, requiring
invasive mechanical ventilation. CONCLUSIONS: In
view of the study, it was possible to determine that
the oxygen requirement in cancer patients promotes
complications at the level of increased free radicals,
generation of angiogenesis and apoptosis in healthy
cells that lead to complications of their disease in all
patients, on the other hand, identifies that 33% of
the patients treated in the oncology clinic required
oxygen at some point during their hospital stay, the
highest prevalence was given in low-flow systems,
with a higher incidence of ages 60 to 70 years. The
type of cancer that required oxygen the most was
colon, followed by stomach and breast.
Article Details
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