Effects of a proprioceptive sports training program on motor skills in 10-year-old children belonging to two soccer sports training schools in the city of Manizales
Efectos de un programa de entrenamiento deportivo propioceptivo sobre las habilidades motrices en niños de 10 años pertenecientes a dos escuelas de formación deportiva de fútbol de la ciudad de Manizales
Main Article Content
This article is the result of a research product, the objective of which was to determine the effects of a proprioceptive sports training program on the motor skills of 10-year-old children who belong to two soccer schools. The methodology used was a type of study, quasi-experimental, the target population
They were 10-year-old children belonging to two sports training schools. 44 children were selected through convenience sampling, each group was made up of 22 children assuming a 1:1 relationship under the criteria of homogeneity. Two groups were determined: experiment and control, and they were evaluated with Vitor da Fonseca's Psychomotor Battery, before and after the proprioceptive program; The people who carried out the intervention were different from those who carried out the evaluation, the evaluators were trained in the application of the instrument to which a pilot test was carried out. The database and statistical analysis were performed with the SPSS 15.0 statistical package. Regarding the Results, it was determined that the largest number of children are
in grade 5, belonging to the Bosques del Norte Commune, and from an anthropometric point of view, the majority were ectomorphs. Statistically significant changes were found comparing the pre and post evaluations in the following subfactors; In the experiment group in the postural regulation unit the subfactor that was statistically significant was support on one foot and left lame foot (0.004 and 0.002), in the motor unit the subfactor that was statistically significant was rhythm (0.000) and in the unit of praxias was statistically significant for global praxia with (0.001) and fine praxia (0.001). The conclusions of the study established that the sports proprioceptive training program did not produce improvement in all of the motor skills of the children in the experimental group, except in
balance, rhythm and global and fine praxis. The proprioceptive sports training program improved the motor skills of the children in the experimental group, in the praxis unit compared to the children in the control group.
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