He Therapeutic exercise in pediatric burn patient
El Ejercicio terapéutico en paciente pediátrico quemado
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This article is the product of the construction of the conceptual reference of a research that is being developed within the academic community, Body Movement of the Autonomous University of Manizales. Taking into account the above, burns are problematized, finding that they are one of the traumatic events that most compromise the child's schema and body image, they are associated with complex pathophysiological conditions that can affect the lives of those who suffer from them and generate important functional sequelae. Therefore, one of the objectives of the physiotherapist when working with the pediatric burn patient is to improve or maintain the child's functional capacity through activity and prevent deterioration, taking into account that exercise plays a fundamental role in functional rehabilitation. to maintain and improve muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. In addition, it is constituted after a burn, in a fundamental modality through its different forms of execution such as exercise to train strength and muscular resistance, muscle stretching exercises to prevent muscle contractures, passive exercises, active range of mobility that They begin during the acute phase and progress toward more vigorous and demanding activities.
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