Descriptive analysis of protocols and clinical practice guidelines for the physiotherapy management of patients with hemophilia

Análisis descriptivos de protocolos y guías de práctica clínica para el manejo fisioterapéutico del paciente con hemofilia

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Eymy Dayana Abril Molano
Laura Lorena Alba Parra
Irma Paola Saavedra Pardo
Rosmary Martínez Rueda

Introduction: Hemophilia is understood as a disease that brings together a series of bleeding disorders due to alterations in hemostasis. This research aims to analyze and describe the guidelines for physiotherapy management currently referred to in national and international clinical practice protocols and guides for patients with hemophilia, and thus contribute to the field of knowledge of physiotherapy management in this type of condition. patients.

Method: A documentary review was carried out, developed in three phases: phase I: search for information, phase II: selection of publications, phase III: processing and analysis of the selected information, through a documentary matrix, taking into account the domains established by the American Physical Therapy Association.

Results: The musculoskeletal and cardiovascular-pulmonary domains were covered to a greater extent from the physiotherapeutic behaviors, in relation to the neuromuscular and integumentary domain. In the musculoskeletal area, behaviors such as: current, TENS, RHCE method (rest, ice, compression and elevation), isometric exercises, passive, active and kinetic chain exercises, active/passive stretching were found. In the cardiovascular/pulmonary area, the main behaviors were: low/medium impact physical activity, hydrotherapy, lymphatic drainage, Buerguer Allen exercises and circulation exercises; in the neuromuscular domain: coordination exercises, proprioceptive training, postural control and gait exercises; and in the integumentary domain: therapeutic and myofascial massage, likewise these modalities will depend on the stage of the pathology.

Conclusions: The reviewed documents address physiotherapeutic behaviors, however their prescription, physiology or the importance of the professional in this area are not specified.


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Author Biographies / See

Eymy Dayana Abril Molano, Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Fisioterapeuta. Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Laura Lorena Alba Parra, Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Jóven Investigador. Universidad Manuela Beltrán.

Irma Paola Saavedra Pardo, Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Jóven Investigador. Universidad Manuela Beltrán.

Rosmary Martínez Rueda, Universidad Manuela Beltrán

Docente Investigador. Universidad Manuela Beltrán.

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