Effects of aerobic exercise on sex hormone binding globulin and insulin sensitivity in young overweight women
Efectos del ejercicio aeróbico sobre globulina enlazante de hormonas sexuales y sensibilidad a insulina en mujeres jóvenes con sobrepeso
Main Article Content
Overweight and obesity associated with physical inactivity and eating habits have become a burden of morbidity and mortality, as they are risk factors for the development of chronic non-communicable diseases (NCD). Sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) has been proposed as a predictive marker of insulin resistance (IR) in women with increased adipose tissue, and an inverse relationship of SHBG and testosterone with insulin and glucose, which allows us to suggest a chain of events for pathologies with IR. He
Aerobic exercise can modify/regulate SHBG, glucose and insulin concentrations. The objective of the article is to describe the research results of a project that sought to determine the effects of aerobic exercise on serum SHBG levels, insulin sensitivity and anthropometric variables in overweight women aged 20 to 30 years. As results, a significant decrease was obtained in some anthropometric variables and the HOMA - IR index; significant increase in SHBG and maximum oxygen consumption and an inverse correlation between SHBG and HOMA-IR. It can be concluded that the program generated a multifactorial positive effect: it established protection for the development of NCDs, improved the metabolic profile, physical condition and changed the sedentary lifestyle.
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